Image issues - animated gif and rotated image on Linux (Mono)

two issues:
1) is there a way in Aspose Words to save animated gif image like in attached doc when saving doc to html? Under MS Word I can save attached doc to filtered html and it will save animated gif file. Aspose Words is saving that gif as png file.

2) When saving attached doc to html on Linux (Mono) image is not rotated as it is on Windows. Image in doc is rotated by 90degs via Layout/Size properties. On Linux you will see original image that is not rotated by 90 and it looks wrong when viewing saved html in a web browser (see attached screenshot).

Hi Brian,

1) is there a way in Aspose Words to save animated gif image like in attached doc when saving doc to html? Under MS Word I can save attached doc to filtered html and it will save animated gif file. Aspose Words is saving that gif as png file.
This issue has been logged as WORDSNET-13700.

2) When saving attached doc to html on Linux (Mono) image is not rotated as it is on Windows. Image in doc is rotated by 90degs via Layout/Size properties. On Linux you will see original image that is not rotated by 90 and it looks wrong when viewing saved html in a web browser (see attached screenshot).
This issue has been logged as WORDSNET-13701.

Your thread has also been linked to these issues and you will be notified as soon as they are resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

any news about these image issues?

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your request. Please check below the progress of your issues:

WORDSNET-13700: I'm afraid the implementation of this issue has been postponed for now and there is no reliable ETA available at the moment.
WORDSNET-13701: This issue is currently in development stage.

We will inform you as soon as these issues are resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-13701) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 16.8.0 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 16.8.0 update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

Hi Aspose,
after 6 years we wanted to check with you if there is any chance to support animated gifs when converting documents to HTML? MS Word does convert documents with gif images (static and animated ones) to gifs, not to png format as Aspose Words does.

Thank you,

@leftofcentre Unfortunately, support of GIF images has not been added yet. The issue is postponed and is not yet scheduled for development. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.

Some of our clients asked about animated GIF support and since Aspose Words mimics what MS Word does it would be good if you could implement it.

@leftofcentre I have linked your request to the main issue and asked the team whether we can schedule this feature for development. We will be sure to let you know once it is resolved or we have more information for you.

Any news related to animated GIFs support when converting Word docs to HTML?

@leftofcentre Unfortunately, there are no news regarding GIF support yet.