Hi Aspose Team,
I want to insert image in excel
and i used the following
string imgPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/Images/survey_metrics_logoExcel.png");
int pictureIndex = excelWorkSheet.Pictures.Add(0, 0,imgPath, 80, 95);
Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture picture = excelWorkSheet.Pictures[pictureIndex];
Picture is inserted in my excel sheet, and
I have Pivot table down to the above image in Excel, the issue is:
Image width is increasing based on column width of pivot table, which i dont need.
I need to have static width and height of image, irrespective of column width.
i have attached Two Excel files, where it shows the difference in width of two images based on column width.
Can u get back to me on this.