I am evaluating Aspose.pdf for use in editing some of our custom generated pdfs.
One thing I am initially puzzled by - I can load and save our pdfs ok, but when
I detect for images off the Resources.Images, I find none.
If I load
Document pdfDocument = new Document("test.pdf")
pdfDocument.Pages[1].Resources.Images has a count of 0.
But if I use the ImagePlacementAbsorber, I can find the image
(in this case it is a graph that needs to be re-sized)
ImagePlacementAbsorber abs = new ImagePlacementAbsorber();
foreach (ImagePlacement imagePlacement in abs.ImagePlacements)
XImage image = imagePlacement.Image;
// finds it no problem
So... why isn't the image showing in the Resources when I load this pdf,
and where might it be 'hiding' since the placement absorber seems to find it ok?
It's possible that the fellow who built the pdf in the first place may have
done something strange with the images that is causing this, not sure.
I'll need to resize it somehow, but I'm not sure how to get a handle on it that
I can work with. The ImagePlacementAbsorber can't be used to update the images
back to the Document object, I assume.
Thanks if you can help or provide more information