ImapClient.FetchMessage should not mark the email message as read

Hi There,

I am using Aspose.Email v21.4.0.
With the following code I am trying to get an email message from an Imap server.
Currently, if the email message is marked as read, right after FetchMessage is executed it marks it as read . Is there a way to go around it? as I don’t want to make changes on message flags, just fetching its info.

ImapClient imapClient = new ImapClient(“”, “user-name”, “password”);
imapWrapper.SecurityOptions = Aspose.Email.Clients.SecurityOptions.SSLImplicit;
imapWrapper.Port = 993;
imapClient.FetchMessage(uniqueId); //let’s assume I have the right uniqueId

Thank you for posting the query. FETCH command sets the SEEN flag for messages on the IMAP server automatically. But you can reset the flag as shown below:

imapClient.RemoveMessageFlags(uniqueId, ImapMessageFlags.IsRead);

Documents: Working with Message Flags on Server
API Reference: ImapClient Class

I would like to set unread only for emails that were unread before fetching them.
Is there a way to determine whether an email message is set to be read/unread before fetching it?

Unfortunately, I found no way to check this flag. I added a ticket with ID EMAILNET-40324 in our tracking system. Our development team will investigate this possibility. I will inform you of any news.

Our development team investigated your requirements. You can use ImapClient.ListMessages method to check whether an email message with defined UniqueId is set to be read/unread. This method does not change read/unread flag of messages. Also, the ImapMessageInfo object contains other useful information.
Code example:

var messageInfoCollection = imapClient.ListMessages();
foreach (var messageInfo in messageInfoCollection)
    bool isRead = messageInfo.IsRead;
    string subject = messageInfo.Subject;
    string uniqueId = messageInfo.UniqueId;

Documents: Working with Messages from IMAP Server

You can also get information about a single message without changing the message flags using the ListMessage method:

var messageInfo = imapClient.ListMessage(uniqueId);

API Reference: ImapClient.ListMessage Method