Import table (simpler question)

I will ask my question in a way that is more easy to answer. I have an OLE DataSet storing data for a Table. I also have that table drawn in a Word Document (made with Aspose.Words). I am using VB.NET.

What is the best way to draw that same table on an Aspose.Slides slide? Should I draw it from the DataSet, or can I copy paste it from the word doc?

I appreciate your help,

David Ross

Dear David Ross,

Thank you for using Aspose.Slides

Aspose.Slides allow you insert OLE object. Please see Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame method.

Aslo, you can draw the table yourself with desired column and rows and then insert the data in a cell using your code.

For more information about creating table and adding OLE objects, please see Programmer’s Guide section on Aspose.Slides.Wiki

and read these subsections

Working with OLE Object Frame

Working with Tables

I'm not trying to put in a chart but an actual table of cells, call it "A1:D8". I have a DataSet object that I used to import it there a way to use that to get the chart onto a Slide? Also, is there a way to do a copy/paste from a Word document using Aspose.words to an Aspose.Slides slide? I think that would be easier.


I have figured this out thanks.