In some cases images are not appear in docx or pdf document after conversion from html

I faced issue with conversion this html file (10.8 KB)
The second image is absent(or invisible) in resulting docx document. Can you please tell me how to fix it?

@VitaliyT85 The behavior is expected. As I can see the attached HTML is produced by Aspose.Words and has Aspose.Words specific CSS attributes required for better document roundtrip. In this particular case there is -aw-import: ignore; attribute, which instructs Aspose.Words to ignore the element.

Thank you for quick answer! How can I make Aspose.Words not to use this attribute?

@VitaliyT85 Try disabling HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRoundtripInformation options which is enabled by default:

HtmlSaveOptions htmlSaveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
htmlSaveOptions.ExportRoundtripInformation = false;
doc.Save(@"C:\Temp\out.html", htmlSaveOptions);

Thank you! It helped.

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