Inconsistent behavior after upgrading from an old version of Aspose.Words

Hi Team,

We’re facing an issue after upgrading from 14.10 to 22.2 of Aspose.Words.

When we set the width/height of a Shape object, the height/width would change automatically to keep the same length ratio. However, we didn’t see this behavior on old version – we set what and only that thing changes.

Pls see the details in the attachment.Bug for Aspose upgrade.docx (453.6 KB)

Besides, we didn’t change any codes in this part from our side (You can see from the attachment)
Is there a switch for this behavior or it’s a fixed upgrade?


@shtan The described behavior is controlled by Shape.AspectRatioLocked property. In MS Word you can see this options in shape properties:

Looks like old version does not respect this property and new version does. So the current behavior is correct.