Inside this folder:
Root - Mailbox\IPM_SUBTREE\POST\Post 1\Post 2\Post 3\Post 4\Post 5
There are 5 items, 2 of them with these subjects:
Post ???
Have IPM.Post message class, when trying to save I get this error:
The IPM.Post message class is not supported by now
Why I think Aspose actually support IPM.Post now, and need to revise this error?
Since the same 2 items inside Olm file will save/extract just fine!
And IPM.Post is nothing special, the only unsupported class I’m aware of is IPM.AbchPerson!
- I told in the other thread that I’ve connected to the same Gmail account and downloaded all emails both on Windows and Mac.
Then exported as Olm and Ost, now comparing the results of Olm reader vs Pst/Ost reader!
Aust.Dev.Nerd@gmail.com.zip (4.3 MB)
I wrote the following code and didn’t find any errors when saving the messages.
Dim path = ""
Dim fileName = Path.Combine(path, "Aust.Dev.Nerd@gmail.com.ost")
Using pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile(fileName)
Dim folder = pst.RootFolder.GetSubFolder("Root - Mailbox")
.GetSubFolder("Post 1")
.GetSubFolder("Post 2")
.GetSubFolder("Post 3")
.GetSubFolder("Post 4")
.GetSubFolder("Post 5")
For Each messageInfo In folder.EnumerateMessages()
If messageInfo.MessageClass = "IPM.Post" Then
Dim msg As MapiMessage = pst.ExtractMessage(messageInfo)
msg.Save(Path.Combine(path, $"{Path.GetRandomFileName()}.msg"))
End If
End Using
Please tell me if you tried this by another way. Thanks.
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Hello and thank you very much for your help.
I tried another route, but since this message is generated by Aspose:
The IPM.Post message class is not supported by now
I guess it should be at your side, searching for that string inside the source code will reveal a clue, since it’s clear now that IPM.Post message class is fully supported!
BTW, I will try to break my code to see the root of problem.
The IPM.Post message class is not supported by now
This exception throws when calling the ToMapiMessageItem() method. Adding new enum values and expanding supported message classes within EMAILNET-40913 should solve the isuue. Thanks.
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Hi, you’re right, I was casting it ToMapiMessageItem… So I take no action, and will wait for the upcoming build 
Not sure if I mentioned this:
IPM.OLE.CLASS which must cast to MapiCalendar will also throw:
The IPM.OLE.Class message class is not supported by now
Thanks for the reminder, I already attached this one earlier.
Hello, please kindly advise 
The fix is not ready yet. Thanks.