Incorrect width/height for columns/rows in table when setting low values


We’re trying to build a table in PowerPoint having the same dimensions like a source table in Excel. The problem is some rows or columns are not displayed as we would expect (like they look in Excel). I’m attaching:

- Inventory.xlsx (the source table we want to clone in PowerPoint);
- Result.pptx (the resulted file in PowerPoint);
- Comparison.jpg (image comparing the source table in Excel and the resulted table in PowerPoint with red arrows showing the issues);
- (archive containing PPTX file and the code simulating how we generate the table in Aspose.Slides).

Please let me know if you need more details about the issue.

InternalId: 15077

Thank you,
Aurelian Iordache
Software Developer
IBM Romania

Hi Aurelian Iordache,

I have observed the requirements shared by you and like to share what you are observing is in fact not an issue with Aspose.Slides but a limit of PowerPoint to set the minimum row height and minimum column width. You can try the same by creating a table even in PowerPoint and try to set the row height or column width to minimum either by setting values or by dragging. You will observe that after certain point the values does not get changed.

Many Thanks,