Infragistics Grid and Aspose.Excel

Recently a client asked me to revised their existing VB.NET application which uses Infragistics grid and Aspose.Excel plugins. I'm totally noob to both these products and I really need your help. Basically what i want to do is export the data show in the Infragistics grid into an excel file through Aspose.Excel. I would have no problem doing the export without the Aspose excel but the client wants me to use it. Any help (especially working snippets) will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


I'm sorry if i posted in the wrong forum. I couldn't find "Aspose.Excel" anywhere.

Here is a small sample of some of my code using Infragistics WebGrid and Aspose.Excel:

iNumRows = Me.UltraWebGrid1.Rows.Count - 1

For iLoop = 1 To iNumRows



oCell = oSheet.Cells(0, 0)

If bIndividual = False Then

oCell.PutValue("Clinical Physician Profile - " & Session("s_sDiseaseName") & " - " & Session("s_sPeriodBegins") & " to " & Session("s_sPeriodEnds"))


oCell.PutValue("Blinded Clinical Physician Profile - " & Session("s_sDiseaseName") & " - " & Session("s_sPeriodBegins") & " to " & Session("s_sPeriodEnds"))

End If

oCell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Left

oCell.Style.IndentLevel = 3

iCol = 5

iRow = 8

For iLoop = 5 To (UltraWebGrid1.Columns.Count - 1)

sColor = UltraWebGrid1.Columns(iLoop).HeaderStyle.BackColor

Select Case sColor.Name

Case "LightSalmon"

iClin = iClin + 1

Case "Gold"

iFin = iFin + 1

Case "MediumSpringGreen"

iQual = iQual + 1

End Select


oSheet.Cells.Merge(7, 5, 1, iClin)

oCell = oSheet.Cells(7, 5)

oCell.PutValue("Clinical Issues")

oSheet.Cells.Merge(7, 5 + iClin, 1, iFin)

oCell = oSheet.Cells(7, 5 + iClin)

oCell.PutValue("Financial Issues")

oSheet.Cells.Merge(7, 5 + iClin + iFin, 1, iQual)

oCell = oSheet.Cells(7, 5 + iClin + iFin)

oCell.PutValue("Quality of Care Issues")

For iLoop = 5 To (UltraWebGrid1.Columns.Count - 1)

'sColor = UltraWebGrid1.Columns(iLoop).HeaderStyle.BackColor

sVal = UltraWebGrid1.Columns(iLoop).HeaderText

oCell = oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol)


iCol = iCol + 1


iRow = 9

For iLoop = 0 To UltraWebGrid1.Rows.Count - 1

For iLoop2 = 0 To UltraWebGrid1.Columns.Count - 1

oCell = oSheet.Cells(iRow, iLoop2)

If iLoop2 = 3 Then

oCell.PutValue(FormatNumber(CDbl(UltraWebGrid1.Rows(iRow - 9).Cells(iLoop2).Text), 2))

ElseIf iLoop2 = 4 Then

oCell.PutValue(CInt(UltraWebGrid1.Rows(iRow - 9).Cells(iLoop2).Text))


oCell.PutValue(UltraWebGrid1.Rows(iRow - 9).Cells(iLoop2).Text)

End If

If iLoop2 = 1 Then

oCell.Style = oExcel.Styles("LeftAlignCellBox")


oCell.Style = oExcel.Styles("RegularCellBox")

End If


iRow = iRow + 1


Hope it helps!

Rick Schoenborn