Working with an java application that uses both Aspose.Words and Aspose.PDF to convert files to PDF/A (version 23.12).
The application runs on linux and need to load windows fonts to get the correct fonts in the PDF/A file.
I have used the following code to load the fonts just before the actual convertion
// Aspose.Words
FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().setFontsFolder("/some/path/", true);
// Aspose.PDF
FontRepository.getSources().add(new FolderFontSource("/some/path/"));
and the results looks good with the correct fonts.
Why is there a difference between Words and PDF how to setup?
I have also a question about initialization. Setting up the fonts right before each conversion will take additional time.
Is there a recommended way to do font setup at application start?
and is there a way to setup for all Aspose libraries instead of using explicit setup for each?
Best Regards