Insert blank page

Good morning, I’m trying to insert a new blank page between two (written) pages of a word document but I have find nothing about page navigation in Words documentation.
The only reference are for sections, paragraph etc. but when I can know if I am on page 3 or on page 6 for example ?

Thank you.

Sorry, but for the current version of Aspose.Words the short answer is - you cannot. Information about where one page ends and another starts is not stored in a Microsoft Word document and Aspose.Words cannot calculate it.

Ok, but I have seen that if I have a field of type numpage in the footer it displays correctly the page number.

It's possible to catch this number of page directly from this field in the footer ?

Thank you.


No. It will not work this way.

Can I use aspose.editor to do that ?

Thank you.
