Hi Aspose expert,
I need a textholder with many line of texts and images, like this:
1. Click on [image] …
2. Select the [image] button, then …
[image] is inline images which I want to insert. I mean I want to insert image into a paragraph, not a shape or PictureFrame.
So what is the solution for this?
Thanks and best regards!
Hi Voung,
I regret to share that at the moment the support for text is available in placeholder only. The images or other shapes except text are not supported in placeholder. An issue with ID 24422 has been created in our issue tracking system as new feature request to investigate the possibility of implementing the mentioned feature support. We will update you once the feature is available. At the moment, you can use Picture Frame as they can be placing any where inside the slides.
Thanks and Regards,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 24422) have been fixed in this update.
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