Insert Legacy Text Form Field 'FORMTEXT' in Word Document Programmatically

How do I insert a text field?In word 2019, see the figure below
Snipaste_2019-12-10_17-41-29.png (7.7 KB)
The inserted content is shown in the attached document
Sample (10.9 KB)


Please use the following code of Aspose.Words for .NET API to be able to programmatically insert legacy text form fields commonly known as ‘FORMTEXT’ in MS Word documents:

C# Code to Insert a Text Form Field in Word Document

Document doc = new Document("E:\\Temp\\in.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
FormField formText = builder.InsertTextInput("textField", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Value of Text Field", 10);

The above C# code will insert a ‘FORMTEXT’ field in Word document as shown in following screenshot:

Insert Legacy Text Form Field 'FORMTEXT' in Word Document Programmatically