Insert text into every footer in multiple sections

I’ve got a word document (docx) that has multiple sections within it and would like to put a single line of text, right aligned, into every footer.
The document has the following:
First Page Footer - Section 1
Footer - Section 1
First Page Footer - Section 2
First Page Footer - Section 3
Footer - Section 3
Footer - Section 3
etc.etc…all the way through until Section 10
Could anyone let me know how to loop though (in VB preferably but can convert) each section and place a text string into the bottom right hand corner of each footer within the section?
I’ve played around with the demos but cannot get this to work :frowning:


Thanks for your inquiry. I think, you can use the same techniques as described in the following article for inserting watermarks:
The only difference, you need to insert right aligned paragraph with text instead of paragraph with shape.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need more information, I will be glad to help you.
Best regards.