Installing aspose.word

I have downloaded the msi file but am getting an error code 2869 I do have office with sp2 installed plus the .net 4.0 installed. what should I try next

This message was posted using Email2Forum by alexey.noskov.

Hi John,
Thanks for your inquiry.
We have encountered an error like this before, and I think this maybe the same issue. I am assuming you are using Vista? There appears to be an issue with the installer sometimes when it’s run on this OS. This issue has been linked and we will look into fixing this sometime in the future.
In the mean time please try using this work around:
-Run cmd.exe as Administrator. Search for cmd, then right click and say “Run as Administrator”\ - Run following command: msiexec /i */Aspose.Words.MicrosoftWord.msi


We are pleased to announce the release of the free utility Aspose.Words Express 1.0. Aspose.Words Express is a small stand-alone utility that allows you to easily convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTML and ODT documents to EPUB. This application is the replacement to Aspose.Words for Microsoft Words and fixes any issues with the original add-in. It is avaliable from the downloads section here


The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11487) have been fixed in this update.

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