Interface Strategies ... xml and mpp


I thought I would share my current approach to interfacing with MS Project...

I have currently only been doing the following:

  1. Read MS Project XML
  2. Do some Export data or Import Data
  3. Write MS Project XML

A round trip means importing data and then exporting data and comparing the difference

I also now looking at the following way to deal with MPP files

  1. Open MPP file
  2. Save the MPP File to XML
  3. Read MS Project XML
  4. Do some export or import data
  5. Write MS Project XML
  6. Merge the MS Project XML Back into the MPP

At some time, I'll replace 1,2,3 with Read MPP

and hopefully at some point, 5,6 with Write MPP

From my point of view, I'm really testing the MS Project XML to ensure that this is complete and ultra reliable. With an approach like this, it should also be possible to validate some of the read / write operations of the MPP against a good stable XML.

I'm still testing this type of strategy ... If anyone has any other thoughts, I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Regards, Bruce

Hi Bruce,

I really like your approach, especially because for most its steps you can use Aspose.Tasks now and for others I hope could use in future:).

Really, the step 6 is the most complicated for us, so we can not guarantee you a quick implementation of it in Aspose.Tasks. But we are moving in this direction.