Invalid EAN13 code readed

Another problem with Aspose Barcode Recognition.

I’ve a file with an EAN13 barcode. The barcode value is 3000000000120.
Reading the barcode with the aspose recognition library the value readed is 2000064000120.
But this is not a valid EAN 13 value, beacuse the last digit (0) is not the right check digit for the first 12 digit. I think that the right value must be 2000064000129, on not?
If yes, I think that this issue is very serious, because the library not only return a wrong value, but also an invalid value.
Is correct what I said?

Thank you


If Aspose.BarCode component is actually behaving as you have mentioned in your post then it is a serious issue. Could you please share the image so we can evaluate the problem on our end?


Please see the post:

<a href="

Hi Alessandro,

I have worked with your sample, and unfortunately I am unable to recognize the barcode at all. Could you please provide your source code that allowed you to read the barcode symbol (with incorrect CodeText) using the latest version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET v4.6.0? If possible please also provide the system specific details like OS, .Net Framework and IDE versions so we may simulate your test environment on our end.

Please note, in an attempt to recognize the barcode from your provided sample, I am able to observe an exception (System.ArgumentException) only if BarCodeReadType is set to AllSupportedTypes. This exception has been logged in our tracking system under ticket Id (BARCODENET-33172).


var type = BarCodeReadType.AllSupportedTypes;
BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(file, type);
reader.SetHints(RecognitionHints.ImageBinarizationHints.MedianSmoothing| RecognitionHints.ScanStrengthHints.Strong);
if (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(“Filename :” + file.Name + " Symbol:" + reader.GetReadType() + " Code :" + reader.GetCodeText());

I’ve used the version 4.1.0 because I cannot use the latest version 4.6: the latest version has more problems than 4.1 (please see my post <a href=" ).

I can confirm to you that with version 4.6 I’ve not the same problem, because with version 4.6 no barcodes are readed.



Thank you for the elaboration.

I am afraid, we are supposed to test the issue with only latest version of the product. As discussed in my last reply, unfortunately the latest of Aspose.BarCode for .NET v4.6.0 can not recognize the symbol at all. So I can not raise a ticket for invalid CodeText read from your provided sample.

Although we will investigate the cause of recognition failure. To do so, I have logged a ticket (BARCODENET-33173) with highest priority possible and requested the development team to share their analysis. As soon as I get any news, I will post here for your kind reference.

We are really sorry for your inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-33173) have been fixed in this update.

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