Invalid recipients after loading an exchange EmailMessage from stream (C# .NET)

We are using the version Aspose.Email_for_.NET_19.6 and are facing the following problem.

After loading some special emails from exchange by the method Aspose.Email.MailMessage.Load(stream) the recipients get currupted.


> (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage exchangeEmailMessage)
> [//exchangeEmailMessage.ToRecipients.Count](https://exchangeemailmessage.torecipients.count/)(): 1
> [//exchangeEmailMessage.ToRecipients](https://exchangeemailmessage.torecipients/)[0]: [0] = {Name, Surname <SMTP:Name, Surname [](>}
> var newMessage = exchangeEmailMessage as Aspose.Email.MailMessage;
> if (newMessage != null)
> {
> newMessage = newMessage.Clone();
> }
> else
> {
> using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
> {
> var loadedPropDefs = exchangeEmailMessage .GetLoadedPropertyDefinitions();
> if (!loadedPropDefs.Contains(ItemSchema.MimeContent))
> {
> var propertySet = ExchangeClient.EmailMessagePropertySet;
> propertySet.Add(ItemSchema.MimeContent);
> exchangeEmailMessage.Load(propertySet);
> }
> ```
>   var mc = exchangeEmailMessage?.MimeContent;
  if (mc != null)
     stream.Write(mc.Content, 0, mc.Content.Length);

  newMessage = Aspose.Email.MailMessage.Load(stream);
  //results in 2 invalid recipients:
  //newMessage.To Count(): 2
  //newMessage.To[0]: {"Name, surname" <Name, Surname  <>}   //Missing closing bracket!!!)
  //newMessage.To[1]: {}
  //Conversion failure?
> ```
> }
> }

Would you kindly investigate the problem please?Body modified in customer email. Rest (11.9 KB)


Would you please create a narrowed down sample application as there are some undefined variables in your code snippet, we will try to reproduce and investigate it in our environment. Also please share generated file so that we may further investigate. I have tested and loaded email that you have attached but unable to observe any issue. So for further investigation please create sample application so that we may help you out.

Here is the saved .eml file as (9.2 KB)


I have observed the EML file shared by you. Unfortunately, we may not use this to investigate the issue on our end. Can you please share a working sample code along with access to test account having such emails for which recipient extraction is getting corrupted on email extraction. Please provide the requested information so that we may verify the issue on our end to help you further.