We are using the version Aspose.Email_for_.NET_19.6 and are facing the following problem.
After loading some special emails from exchange by the method Aspose.Email.MailMessage.Load(stream) the recipients get currupted.
> (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage exchangeEmailMessage)
> [//exchangeEmailMessage.ToRecipients.Count](https://exchangeemailmessage.torecipients.count/)(): 1
> [//exchangeEmailMessage.ToRecipients](https://exchangeemailmessage.torecipients/)[0]: [0] = {Name, Surname <SMTP:Name, Surname [test@test-domain.de](mailto:test@test-domain.de)>}
> var newMessage = exchangeEmailMessage as Aspose.Email.MailMessage;
> if (newMessage != null)
> {
> newMessage = newMessage.Clone();
> }
> else
> {
> using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
> {
> var loadedPropDefs = exchangeEmailMessage .GetLoadedPropertyDefinitions();
> if (!loadedPropDefs.Contains(ItemSchema.MimeContent))
> {
> var propertySet = ExchangeClient.EmailMessagePropertySet;
> propertySet.Add(ItemSchema.MimeContent);
> exchangeEmailMessage.Load(propertySet);
> }
> ```
> var mc = exchangeEmailMessage?.MimeContent;
if (mc != null)
stream.Write(mc.Content, 0, mc.Content.Length);
newMessage = Aspose.Email.MailMessage.Load(stream);
//results in 2 invalid recipients:
//newMessage.To Count(): 2
//newMessage.To[0]: {"Name, surname" <Name, Surname <testh@test-domain.de>} //Missing closing bracket!!!)
//newMessage.To[1]: {}
//Conversion failure?
> ```
> }
> }
Would you kindly investigate the problem please?Body modified in customer email. Rest original.zip (11.9 KB)