InvalidCastException trying to replace an attachment's ContentStream

The following code:

var appointment = Appointment.Load("input.ics");
appointment.Attachments.First().ContentStream = File.OpenRead("test.txt");

results in an InvalidCastException:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.IO.FileStream' to type 'System.IO.MemoryStream'.
   at Aspose.Email.Attachment.g()
   at Jh.a(Appointment a)
   at Jh.c()
   at Jh.Jha3taa()
   at Aspose.Email.Calendar.CalendarWriter.Write(Appointment appointment)
   at Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Save(Stream stream, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
   at Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Save(String filePath, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
   at Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Save(String filePath, AppointmentSaveFormat saveFormat)
   at SafeBridge.Providers.BufferzoneCDR.AppointmentCDR.<BridgeFileAsyncInternal>d__1.MoveNext() in T:\SafeWorkspace\sw-

However, ContentStream is defined as:

public Stream ContentStream { get; set; }

and described in the docs as:

AttachmentBase.ContentStream property
Gets or sets the content stream.

I would expect to be able to set this property to any Stream derived type. This should either be documented and defined as a MemoryStream or, preferrably, should accept any Stream-derived type.

What if an attachment is very large? Confining this to a MemoryStream is wasteful and might not work on all systems, where memory is low.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes asap.

Issue ID(s): EMAILNET-41252