InvalidOperationException - Unknown texture


I get an exception when trying to convert the attached .doc file to pdf.
My code looks like this

Aspose.Words.Document wordDoc = new Aspose.Words.Document(wordDocStream);
var memStream = new MemoryStream();
wordDoc.Save(memStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return memStream;

and the following exception occurs on Save(…):

System.InvalidOperationException occurred
Message=Unknown texture.
at x99ec507695f2d4ff.x3bc42b548f62bdca.xc7772fb8a479ad90(Shading x12b7f8e5698b30a6)
at x99ec507695f2d4ff.x3bc42b548f62bdca.xa4520be1beb8f046(RectangleF x2b9a737426626c14, Shading x12b7f8e5698b30a6)
at x99ec507695f2d4ff.x3bc42b548f62bdca.xa4520be1beb8f046(RectangleF x26545669838eb36e, Shading x12b7f8e5698b30a6, xe6a5f3ec802a6d51 x0f7b23d1c393aed9)
at x6a42c37b95e9caa1.xfef22f4f866de8d2.x0d919b3be4833815(xb2b9d43291f4067d xe6de5e5fa2d44af5)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.xb2b9d43291f4067d.x7012609bcdb39574(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.xe4d6d8acaf4e81ea.x7012609bcdb39574(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.xa68c54b19fa2b58c.x7012609bcdb39574(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.xb850ecb8335a2e09.xa246eb87eda7b55d(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d, x398b3bd0acd94b61 xd7e5673853e47af4)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.x24007e5c985fb52a.x7012609bcdb39574(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d)
at x59d6a4fc5007b7a4.xdcf47a8f1807f37c.x7012609bcdb39574(x3adba2572f6b9747 x672ff13faf031f3d)
at x6a42c37b95e9caa1.xfef22f4f866de8d2.xe406325e56f74b46(xdcf47a8f1807f37c x32eaf67d0ee57cb7, xdeb77ea37ad74c56 x1e972e751678e682)
at Aspose.Words.Document.xaef272a322936116(Int32 xbf13a47a02af0066)
at xf989f31a236ff98c.x6c74398bceb133f8.xa2e0b7f7da663553(x8556eed81191af11 x5ac1382edb7bf2c2)
at Aspose.Words.Document.xf381a641001e6830(Stream xcf18e5243f8d5fd3, String xafe2f3653ee64ebc, SaveOptions xc27f01f21f67608c)
at Aspose.Words.Document.Save(Stream stream, SaveOptions saveOptions)
at Aspose.Words.Document.Save(Stream stream, SaveFormat saveFormat)
at Canea.Common.PDFGenerator.WordToPDF(MemoryStream wordDocStream) in C:\CANEA.NET\Framework\Release\Common\Common\PDFGenerator.cs:line 19

I’m thankful for any fixes.
Ps. I have the developer OEM license. Ds.


Hi Lars,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Perhaps, you’re using an older version of Aspose.Words; as with Aspose.Words v11.4.0, I was unable to reproduce this exception on my side during rendering your DOC file to PDF format. I would suggest you please upgrade to the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. v11.4.0.

I hope, this will help.

Best Regards,


I have updated to v11.4.0 and the problem still remains.
I noticed that I sent you the wrong doc file though, sorry. I have attached the correct one to this message.

Thank you for the quick response.



Thanks for your inquiry. With Aspose.Words v11.4.0, I was unable to reproduce this issue on my side. I have attached the PDF file i.e. generated on my side here for your reference. Moreover, Could you please double check if you are using the latest version (11.4.0)? You can dynamically check if you’re referencing the correct DLL by using the following code snippet:

System.Reflection.Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly in assemblies)
    System.Reflection.AssemblyName assemblyName = assembly.GetName();
    if (assemblyName.Name.Contains("Aspose.Words"))
        Console.WriteLine("Aspose.Words Version Number: " + assemblyName.Version.ToString());

Also, you can download the latest version from the following link:

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,


The file I sent to you earlier was what I thought was being converted, but this was not the case, sorry. I have attached a sample project which shows the error for your convenience.


Hi Lars,

Thanks for the additional information. I managed to reproduce this issue on my side. I have logged this issue in our bug tracking system. The issue ID is WORDSNET-6496. Your request has also been linked to this issue and you will be notified as soon as it is resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,


Any solutions to this problem yet or any idea on when a solution will be available?
I have noticed several releases without anything about this problem in the release notes.


Hi Lars,

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, your issue is not resolved yet. I’m afraid your issue (WORDSNET-6496) has now been postponed till a later date. We will inform you as soon as there are any further developments. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Moreover, I have asked the ETA of this issue from our development team. As soon as any information is shared by them, I will be more than happy to share that with you.

Best Regards,

Hi Lars,

Thanks for your patience. Good news for you is that your issue (WORDSNET-6496) has now been resolved and its fix will be included in the next version of Aspose.Words (v11.10.0) which is planned to be released by the end of this month (November’ 30, 2012). We will inform you via this forum thread as soon as the new release is published.

Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-6496) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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