Is Aspose.Cells now independent of System Drawing / GDI+?

We’ve been using Aspose.Cells for many years and it’s great. However, one big issue for us is that we cannot use it with Azure Functions because Azure Functions does not support System.Drawing or GDI+.

For example, Aspose.Cells code that runs on Windows desktop will give an exception when run on Windows Azure:

Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Graphics.GetHdc() at (Stream , Chart ) at Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(Stream stream, ImageOrPrintOptions options) at

I understand that Aspose, now has Aspose.Drawing which can be used in place of System.Drawing (with an example showing it’s use at Using Aspose.Drawing in Azure Function|Documentation).

So my question, is: has Aspose.Cells now been re-written to be independent of System Drawing / GDI+? And, thus can it be used with Azure Functions?

If it is, which Aspose.Cells version is required and which .NET version is required?

Also, is the same applicable for Aspose.Word too?

We have supported cross platform version through SkiaSharp. Please review the documentation for installation and use.

Please check doc :