Is it possible to set htmml to excel cell?


I mean set html and it will show in defined format. So the question is: is the Aspose.Cells can parse html?


Yes, Aspose.Cells for Java supports HTML format. See the documents (on supported formats) for your reference:

Thank you.

You don’t understand me. We have a simple custom html editor in our app. It’s a part of our report system. A report data can be stored in DB. Then report has a several representations. One of it is Excel. So, if I pass html code fragment in Excel cell it will not be in necessary format. It will show as a plain text. As I understood Aspose.Cells can’t parse html and show it in a single cell like in the browser. Is it right?.
And also in the nearest future I’ll encounter the same situation with PowerPoint. Do you know is it achievable with Aspose.Slides?


As I understand, you want to convert your Html reports to Excel files. This feature is not yet available. For other Aspose Products, you will have to post on their relevant forums the same question.

e.g Aspose.Slides forum

Please note: Aspose.Cells support Excel Oriented HTML files. (I mean the html files which are generated by Ms-Excel).

Please also note, in Aspose.Cells for .NET version, we have Cell.HtmlString property, you can assign your html fragments to it and the cell will be formatted properly. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Aspose.Cells for Java.

We will log this as New Feature Request in our database now.


This issue has been logged as a New Feature Request in our database with id: CELLSJAVA-28632.

You don’t understand me too. May be it’s because of my bad english :).
So, I would like that the next will work somehow:

Worksheets worksheets = workbook.getWorksheets();
Worksheet worksheet = worksheets.getSheet( 0 );
Cells cells = worksheet.getCells();

cells.getCell(“A1”).setValue(“BLA BLA”) ;

And in the result file in cell A1 I’ll see ‘BLA BLA’.

Do you understand? If yes is there is a workaround?
And I am interested java components only.


This is exactly what I have logged as a New Feature Request.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 28632) have been fixed in this update.

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