Is There an Easy Way to Find Out If PowerPoint Needs to Be Converted to HTML5 Due To Either Video, Audio or Some Animation?

@andrey.potapov is there an easy way to find out if PowerPoint needs to be converted to HTML5 due to either video, audio or some animation? I’m trying to use that logic to determine what format to use PDF or HTML5. In case it’s just static content PDF will do otherwise it needs to be HTML5.


I am working on the question and will get back to you soon. Thank you for your patience.

To test whether a presentation contains video, audio, animation, and slide transition, you should check whether the IVideoCollection, IAudioCollection, ISequence, ISequenceCollection, and ITextAnimationCollection collections contain any element, and the ISlide.SlideShowTransition property type is not None.

Please use the following code snippet:

// Check if a presentation contains a video.
bool containsVideo = presentation.Videos.Any();

// Check if a presentation contains an audio.
bool containsAudio = presentation.Audios.Any();

// Check if a presentation contains an animation.
bool containsAnimations = presentation.Slides.Any(slide =>
    slide.Timeline.MainSequence.Any() ||
    slide.Timeline.InteractiveSequences.Any() ||

// Check if a presentation contains a slide transition.
bool containsTransitions = presentation.Slides.Any(slide =>
    slide.SlideShowTransition.Type != TransitionType.None);

@andrey.potapov super, thanks a lot!

Thank you for evaluating Aspose.Slides.