Issue #7494 (7494) - Mirror Margins confusion

In Posting <a href=" as of 03-25-2009 you state that mirror margins are supported.

From my own testing I can confirm that mirror margins (#7494) still do not work with the latest version.

Question: Any timeframe when fixing #7494?



I’m a product developer from Aspose.Pdf team. Now, we support mirror margins at Aspose.Pdf side, we support these attributes list as below:







For some examples, Please use the dll and xsd in the attached files(It is a beta version) to generate the xml file to PDF. If Word2PDF, Aspose.Word can't add these attributes to XML, so if you want to use mirror margins, please added these attributes to XML by yourself. The attached XML will tell you how to add these attributes.

If you have any question, please let me known.


Thanks. I am doing a conversion in the form

Word-Template(1)+DB-Content (2) => Word (3) => PDF (4)

(1) and (2) are supplied by my customer.
(3) is done by Aspose.Words.
(4) is done by Aspose.Pdf

How would I know the marings that the customer defined in (1)?

Therefore your suggestion sounds non-usable for me. I would expect that you read out the margins exported by Word (which I was told by your colleagues that they do export them) and properly import them.

Everything else sounds like a big ugly hack which would not work in real-life.


Hi Uwe,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

The margins should not be set by yourself. We will ask the Aspose.Words team to support this feature when exporting XML.

Hello!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I’m Viktor, the developer on Aspose.Words Team responsible for integration with Aspose.Pdf. Alex has sent me the materials to implement the mirror margin feature and I’m going to experiment with them. Hopefully when the both libraries next time release, this will be ready.


Thank you very much, Alex and Viktor for your kind support!

I am looking forward for the next release, my customer is also really excited.
