Issue converting Wingdings symbols from Word document to Html


I´ve been trying to convert Word documents to Html and I never get correctly the result from converting Wingdings symbols. Always appears a square box symbol as a result.

I´ve tried to open a document with Aspose and save it back to a Docx file, and the same issue happened.

I´m attaching the input and output files I got from my testing for you to see the difference. I´m also attaching an image from the code, where the document content Text did not pick those symbols as soon as I open the document with Aspose using: var doc = new Document (InputTestFile);

What I´m guessing is the Aspose can´t identify these symbols as soon as the document is opened in the code, then any output format will show the square box symbol instead.

Symbols Conversion (56.8 KB)

Please, can you give any ideas why they are not converting?

I´m using Aspose Words version 21.9.0

Thank you,

@Cliverson I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. Please see the attached output DOCX and HTML (20.4 KB)
The following simple code was used for testing:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

The latest 21.12 version of Aspose.Words was used for testing. I also checked the same scenario using 21.9 version and the problem is not reproducible with this code (20.4 KB)
Could you please share your code that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.


Thank you for your answer. I figured what was causing the issue in my application when I saw your output file in Html.

I had some code cleaning some Html styles before I save the file, so the styles would be replaced by my own stylesheet on my website. With that, the CSS property “font-family” with the value “wingdings” was removed and the browser was not rendering the symbols properly. Now it is working.

Thank you.

@Cliverson It is perfect that you managed to resolve the issue. Please feel free to ask in case of any further issues, we are always glad to help you.