Issue reading Code 128 barcodes?

I can’t seem to figure out why I can’t parse any of the 118 code 128 barcodes in the attached image. Is there something different I can do? Here is the c# code I am using to parse barcodes (Aspose.BarCode v7.9.0.0):

using (BarCodeReader asposeBarcodeReader = new BarCodeReader())
using (Bitmap image = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(“example.png”))
asposeBarcodeReader.RecognitionMode = RecognitionMode.MaxBarCodes;

BarCodeReadType.EAN13 |
BarCodeReadType.Code93Standard |
BarCodeReadType.Code93Extended |

while (asposeBarcodeReader.Read())
string value = asposeBarcodeReader.GetCodeText();

I had been using v7.8.0.0 and upgraded in hopes that it would fix it, but still the same result.
Hi Jeromy,

Thank you for your inquiry and providing sample barcode image.

We have tested the scenario at our end. Initial investigation shows that the issue persists. The issue has been logged into our system with ID BARCODENET-36212. Our product team will look into it. We will update you via this forum thread.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-36212) have been fixed in this update.

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