Issue using Microsoft JScript with Excel

In Microsoft JScript on the server, none of the contstants work. Is there any reference for the constants used in the Open command?

I have found several issues with the following code.

var excel2003=6; ///Where should I get this number?

var aspose=new ActiveXObject("Aspose.Excel.Excel");
var awrksht=aspose.Worksheets.item(0);
var cells=awrksht.cells;
var Cell1=cells.item(0);//This is the only call that works.
var Cell1=cells[0]; //This returns null
var Cell1=cells[0,0]; //This returns null
var Cell1=cells.GetAt("A1"); //This returns MethodNotFound
var Cell1=cells.item("A1"); //The throws ObjectDoesNotSupportAutomation
Cell1.PutValue("new val");////The throws ObjectDoesNotSupportAutomation
Cell1.PutValue("new val",0);////The throws invalide number of parameters

I am not very familiar with JScript. For your issue, I have the following ideas:
1. Jscript doesn't support enumeration. So you have to input integer instead. You can check the API reference at It's sorted alphabetically and zero based.
2. JScript doesn't supported overloaded methods. So you have to call:
var Cell1=cells.item(0);//This is the only call that works.
var Cell1=cells.item_3("A1");
var Cell1=cells.item_2(0,0);
It's sorted alphabetically and one based.