Issue while converting PPT to PPTX


I am facing one issue while trying to convert few PPT to PPTX in .Net platform.

Please find my code logic below:
  • I have saved the content of an existing PPT as a binary in a SQL database (DB1) - SQL Server 2008.
  • Take the backup of DB1
  • Moved the DBI backup and restored to a new environment DB2 (SQL Server 2012)
  • Custom code, using ASPOSE, to create the PPTX file from the content of DB2 database.
The file is getting created and saved in the desired location.However while I am trying to open the file I am getting the following message:

PowerPoint found a problem with content in xxxxx.pptx.
PowerPoint can attempt to repair the presentation.

If you trust the source of this presentation,click repair.

On Clicking repair the file is getting opened.

Please note that the file contains standard image.

Please note that I am using ASPOSE TOTAL lic (purchased) and this working fine with other PPT/PPTX.
This is happening with few PPT.

I am attaching one sample PPT here.

Please advise.

Please find the code snippet (conversion):

byte[] fileInBinary = tblContent_Irow.BLOBContent;
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(fileInBinary);
Stream oStream = new MemoryStream();

case “ppt”:
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(stream))
//Saving the PPT presentation to PPTX format
if (pres.VbaProject != null)
pres.VbaProject = null;
pres.Save(oStream, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);
nwstrFileRelativeURl = strFileRelativeURl.Substring(0, strFileRelativeURl.LastIndexOf(’.’)) + “.pptx”;


Thank you for your interest in Aspos.Slides.

I have observed your comments and like to request you to please try using Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.7.0 on your end and then share feedback with us as I am unable to reproduce the issue on my end. I have attached the generated output file for your kind reference.

Please let us know if the issue persists. We will be happy to assist you further.

Best Regards,