Issue with huge scale for image in Word document

Hi Aspose Support,
Recently we faced with the issue when for some images in DOCX document scale becomes to big. This happens when re-save document using Aspose.Words.dll and use CompatibilityOptions to optimize document -> doc.CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor(MsWordVersion.Word2013);

Checked on latest version 19.8.
Documents example: (1.9 MB)

Example_ConvertedResult.DOCX - file after conversion with the scaled image

Code example:

private static void ConvertWord(string inputFile, string outputFile, string openPassword)
    Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(inputFile, 
        new Aspose.Words.LoadOptions()
            Password = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(openPassword) ? openPassword : null


    if (File.Exists(outputFile))

    Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx);
    saveOptions.Compliance = Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Transitional;                       

    doc.Save(outputFile, saveOptions);

Please help with this problem.


Please use the OoxmlCompliance as Iso29500_2008_Strict to get the correct output.

Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new     Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx);
saveOptions.Compliance = OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict;

doc.Save(MyDir + "output.docx", saveOptions);

Yes, it works with strict compliance, but what to do if we need transitional?


We suggest you please do not use CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor method. Could you please share MS Word version that you are using to view the document?

Hi @tahir.manzoor,
Please see Word version:
WordVersion.png (2.4 KB)

We suggest you please do not use CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor method.
Unfortunately, that’s not a solution. If you have this feature in API, I suppose it should work correctly and do not modify scaling.
Even so, what exactly changes (except, probably, schemes) in document’s XML when OptimizeFor is used?
CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor | Aspose.Words for .NET

Thanks in advance for the response.


You are saving Word document with Word 2013 compatibility and viewing it in Office 365. In your case, the OoxmlCompliance should be Iso29500_2008_Strict.

We have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-19075. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-19075) have been fixed in this update.

Confirm the fix. All works as expected with v19.9.