Issue with insertDocument and html table

When I take a word document the below method works perfect to insert a(ny) Word document.

However, when I take a html document to insert it it does not work well. To be more specific, the document is inserted but a table is not

I am sure I miss the obvious but I don’t know how to do this.

Also, when I take the html document and write it as a .doc it goes wrong.

The script is based on an earlier provided sample:


private void insertDocument(final com.aspose.words.Document srcDoc) throws Exception {
    // Content of srcdoc will be inserted after this node
    Node insertAfterNode = builder.getCurrentParagraph().getPreviousSibling();
    // Content of first paragraph of srcDoc will be apended to this parafraph
    final Paragraph insertAfterParagraph = (Paragraph)insertAfterNode;
    // Content of last paragraph of srcDoc will be apended to this parafraph
    final Paragraph insertBeforeParagraph = builder.getCurrentParagraph();
    // We will be inserting into the parent of the destination paragraph.
    final CompositeNode dstStory = insertAfterNode.getParentNode();
    // Create temporary list
    List srcTmpList = null;
    List dstTmpList = null;
    // Remove empty paragraphs from the end of document
    while (!srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph().hasChildNodes())
    // Loop through all sections in the source document.
    final int sectCount = srcDoc.getSections().getCount();
    for (int sectIndex = 0; sectIndex
    final Section srcSection = srcDoc.getSections().get(sectIndex);
    // Loop through all block level nodes (paragraphs and tables) in the body of the section.
    final int nodeCount = srcSection.getBody().getChildNodes().getCount();
    for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
        final Node srcNode = srcSection.getBody().getChildNodes().get(nodeIndex);
        // Do not insert node if it is a last empty paragarph in the section.
        final Paragraph para = (Paragraph)srcNode;
        if ((para != null) && para.isEndOfSection() && (!para.hasChildNodes()))
        // If current paragraph is first paragraph of srcDoc
        // then appent its content to insertAfterParagraph
        if (para.equals(srcDoc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph()) && insertAfterParagraph.hasChildNodes())
            final int firstParaChildCount = para.getChildNodes().getCount();
            for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < firstParaChildCount; childIndex++)
                final Node node = para.getChildNodes().get(childIndex);
                final Node dstNode = doc.importNode(node, true, ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
            // If subdocument contains only one paragraph
            // then copy content of insertBeforeParagraph to insertAfterParagraph
            // and remove insertBeforeParagraph
            if (srcDoc.getFirstSection().getBody().getFirstParagraph().equals(srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph()))
                while (insertBeforeParagraph.hasChildNodes())
        // If current paragraph is last paragraph of srcDoc
        // then appent its content to insertBeforeParagraph
        else if (para.equals(srcDoc.getLastSection().getBody().getLastParagraph()) && insertBeforeParagraph.hasChildNodes())
            Node previouseNode = null;
            final int firstParaChildCount = para.getChildNodes().getCount();
            for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < firstParaChildCount; childIndex++)
                final Node node = para.getChildNodes().get(childIndex);
                final Node dstNode = doc.importNode(node, true, ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
                if (previouseNode == null)
                    insertBeforeParagraph.insertBefore(dstNode, insertBeforeParagraph.getFirstChild());
                    insertBeforeParagraph.insertAfter(dstNode, previouseNode);
                previouseNode = dstNode;
            // This creates a clone of the node, suitable for insertion into the destination document.
            final Node newNode = doc.importNode(srcNode, true, ImportFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING);
            if (srcNode.getNodeType() == NodeType.PARAGRAPH)
                final Paragraph srcTmpPar = (Paragraph)srcNode;
                final Paragraph dstTmpPar = (Paragraph)newNode;
                if (srcTmpPar.getListFormat().getList() == srcTmpList)
                    srcTmpList = srcTmpPar.getListFormat().getList();
                    dstTmpList = dstTmpPar.getListFormat().getList();
            // Insert new node after the reference node.
            dstStory.insertAfter(newNode, insertAfterNode);
            insertAfterNode = newNode;
    if (!insertAfterParagraph.hasChildNodes())
    if (!insertBeforeParagraph.hasChildNodes())


Thanks for your request. I think it is better to use InsertHtml method to insert HTML into the document. Please see the following link for more information.
Also, please attach your document for testing.
Best regards.

Thank you for the suggestion, I will test it.

Apologies for not attaching the docs. Forgot it… = main with bookmark

quotation.html = original html doc

quotation.html.doc = html doc written as word doc

Thank you for additional information. Please try using the following code:

// Open the document and create DocumentBuilder.
Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Read HTML from file
File file = new File("C:\\Temp\\quotation.html");
StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader reader = null;
String html = "";
    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    String text = null;
    // repeat until all lines is read
    while ((text = reader.readLine()) != null)
    html = contents.toString();
catch (Exception e)
    html = "";
// move DocumentBuilder cursor to bookmark
// Insert HTML
// Save the modified document."C:\\Temp\\out.doc");

Best regards,