Issue with Javadocs for Aspose.Words

I attached the javadocs to the libs in Eclipse but Eclipse throws a lot of errors due to that and sometimes even does not want to show what is in the docs. I think the biggest problem lies in the Document class.

Some of the errors seen are:

!MESSAGE Unknown javadoc format for getMailMerge() {key=Lcom/aspose/words/Document;.getMailMerge()Lcom/aspose/words/MailMerge;} [in Document [in Document.class [in com.aspose.words [in /Users/marceltrapman/Applications/Eclipse jarcache/aspose-words/jars/Aspose.Words.jdk15.jar]]]]

!MESSAGE Unknown javadoc format for accept(com.aspose.words.DocumentVisitor) [in FormField [in FormField.class [in com.aspose.words [in /Users/marceltrapman/Applications/Eclipse jarcache/aspose-words/jars/Aspose.Words.jdk15.jar]]]]

!MESSAGE Unknown javadoc format for getCalculateOnExit() [in FormField [in FormField.class [in com.aspose.words [in /Users/marceltrapman/Applications/Eclipse jarcache/aspose-words/jars/Aspose.Words.jdk15.jar]]]]

Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please provide me your code that will allow me to reproduce these issues? Also attach your document if it is needed. I will try to reproduce your problems and provide you more information.
Best regards.