I am getting my required Pie chart output in Excel file by using Aspose.cells.
But when I am using the same output Excel file for generating the OLE chart, the output Ole chart is not like the Excel output. The properties of the data labels are changing automatically.
Please refer the attached documents for details and find the sample application with the output files.
Hi Laxmikanta,
Please accept my apologies for the delayed response.
I have worked with the code snippet shared by you and like to share that the issue reported is not on Aspose.Slides end. Actually, the EMF image generated by Aspose.Cells have issues. For your convenience, I have saved the generated chart image to file and you can observe the issue in the chart image. I have used the following code snippet to generate the EMF image on my end. I am moving this thread to Aspose.Cells where our respective support team will help you better in this regard.
wb.Worksheets[1].Charts[0].ToImage(“D:\Aspose Data\Testimage.emf”, op);
Many Thanks,
Thanks for providing us the template files and sample project.
I can notice the issue as you have mentioned. The problem is with the rendered image from Excel chart by Aspose.Cells APIs (i.e…, Chart.ToImage() method). It does not render the leader lines and placements of labels fine of the PIE chart in the generated image of the chart.
The issue can be separated and seen by simply converting the chart (in the Excel file) to image at some path/location, e.g
wb.Worksheets[1].Charts[0].ToImage(“D:\Aspose Data\Testimage.emf”, op);
The issue can be separated and seen by simply converting the chart (in the Excel file) to image at some path/location, e.g
wb.Worksheets[1].Charts[0].ToImage(“D:\Aspose Data\Testimage.emf”, op);
I have logged a ticket with an id: CELLSNET-41001. We will look into it soon. Once we have any update on it, we will let you know here.
Thank you
May I know the status of this issue.
I am afraid, your issue is not resolved yet. I have asked the relevant developer to update on it or if possible share an eta for it. Once we receive any update from him, we will let you know here.
Thank you.
Still I am waiting for the response from your side.
Provide me the current status of the issue or ETA for the same. I need to plan accordingly as its critical issue for us.
We have analyzed your issue a bit regarding leader lines and placements of data labels. The issue is very complex as we did try it in the past to fix it accurately as well, but to no avail. I am afraid we cannot grantee for a fix or resolve your issue at this point. We will try to work on it in November 2012 if we can fix it. Once we have any update on it, we will let you know.
Thank you.
Hi Amjad,
The issue is critical and we can not proceed without the fix. As you suggested we can't wait till Novemenber as it is impacting our business. Hence, it should be given high priority and provide solution ASAP.
Gopal Choudhary
Hi Gobal,
I have further discussed your issue with the relevant developer. He has already investigated/analyzed the
data labels in Pie covering issues. I am afraid, accordingly to him, he can’t fix the bug in short time and at the moment, he has some other important tasks to be performed at the earliest. So, we are very sorry to say that the process (to fix your issue(s)) has to be delayed a bit. Anyways, just for your sake, we will try
to start working over your issues in the second half of October (next month).
data labels in Pie covering issues. I am afraid, accordingly to him, he can’t fix the bug in short time and at the moment, he has some other important tasks to be performed at the earliest. So, we are very sorry to say that the process (to fix your issue(s)) has to be delayed a bit. Anyways, just for your sake, we will try
to start working over your issues in the second half of October (next month).
Thanks for your understanding!
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-41001) have been fixed in this update.
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