Hi, I have created a template with 4 worksheets, 3 of those are pivot tables.
When I load the data to my excel report using Aspose.Cells all my PivotTables are gone and they are instead just regular worksheets.
Picture of the Template:
Template.png (103.2 KB)
Pictre after generated using Aspose.Cells:
brokenPivotTable.png (101.5 KB)
Thanks for the help
Thanks for the screenshots.
Do you simply open and re-save the file via Aspose.Cells APIs? Could you provide your template Excel file and sample code (runnable) to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon.
PS. please zip the file(s) prior attaching.
Well I first query the DB for the data first and I assign the data to the right rows and columns. Then I open and save the file.
PivotTableProblem.zip (309.2 KB)
Thank you for providing the code sample. I am afraid that this code cannot be used for testing as it contains many unresolved references. Please try to create a standalone runnable console application which can be executed without any error directly. The data should be either filled in DataTable in this console application or some XML be used to fill the data. A standalone running application along with data will help us to observe the issue here and provide assistance at the earliest.