Issue with StructuredDocumentTagRange elements

Hi Team,
We have created a template and in which we have added a foreach tag for repeating section. In that section we have added section break (page breaks), so the controls becomes StructuredDocumentTagRange element.

From source we are getting more than 1 row, so for each section StructuredDocumentTagRange element is getting created and Id is same for all the StructuredDocumentTagRange elements. Similarly when we have StructuredDocumentTag elements only instead of StructuredDocumentTagRange then the Id’s are different for each elements.

Why we are getting same Id’s for StructuredDocumentTagRange elements in repeating sections?

Below is our syntax with tags -

<<foreach [RepeatItem_1659654696 in ds.Query("Agreement/AgreementLineItem[Agreement]")]>>

<<[ds.Render("Name", RepeatItem_1659654696)]>>


In which ds,Query is our source which will return more than 1 row
and ds. Render is our custom methos which will return values.

I have attached the template as well for reference.
DW_sectionbrk_1_v1(1).docx (26.8 KB)

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We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27292

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hi @alexey.noskov ,

Thanks for the quick response and acknowledging the defect. I am part of Conga organization and we already have paid license. If needed then we will post the question from paid account.

@dwagh We already logged the defect in our defect tracking system. So we will analyze it anyways. If you have Paid Support Services, you can escalate the issue priority in the helpdesk.

Hi @alexey.noskov ,
We have created the console application, for foreach tag we have 3 records and StructuredDocumentTag control created 3 times with different ID’s but for StructuredDocumentTagRange, it gets created only for last record.

Aspose Template -

Aspose_SDTRange_Element.docx (24.7 KB)

Output Document -

TestOutputSDTRange.docx (36.9 KB)

We have Aspose license and created a ticket from paid account as well and mentioned all those things in that. Ticket number from paid account - 177834.

@dwagh Thank you for additional information. We will keep you updated and let you know once the issue is resolved or we have more information for you.