Issues reading Code39Standard

I have been trying to get the barcode reader to work but have had not much luck so far.

I’ve been seeing inconsistent results from the Barcode Recognition component, the same images will work sometimes, and in other cases they will not, not really sure why.

I have not been able to determine why the component is not detecting the barcodes, at first I thought it was something environment related, bacause as I said, it worked some times… But then I started seeing the component not finding barcodes in the same images it did find codes before and I’m not sure what to do from this point onward.

I’m attaching the source code of a program with two images (resources), trying to get the codes from these images is not working for me, but I was able to get codes from these same images in other programs (the only difference is how the images are managed). I’m really lost here.

NOTE: The license was REMOVED from the source. Let me know if you need it.

Hi Abel,

Sorry, I was not able to reproduce this issue using the latest version of Aspose.Barcode for .NET (i.e. 7.3.0). It extract all barcodes when I run your application at my end.

Can you please share which version are you using? You can also try setting RecognitionMode to further improve reading quality when reading from low quality images.

Best Regards,


Thanks for the response, we are currently using version 6.3.0, I will see if we can upgrade to 7.3.0



I Added version 7.3.0 from nugget gallery and tried again with no luck.

This is the output of the sample program:

Reading image: Cover1 (57 KB), looking for Code39Standard barcodes.

Found 0 barcodes

Reading image: Cover2 (121 KB), looking for Code39Standard barcodes.

Found 0 barcodes

Since you say you cannot repro in your environment, and I cannot get it to work, I’m uncertain of what would be the curse of action from here.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Hi Abel,

When I run your application (attached to your first post), it produces the same result at my end and does not detect any barcode but when I test the same code in a new application, it produces correct output and reads all barcodes. Not sure what is the issue with your application.

Can you please try running the attached application at your end and share if it works for you? Please also try creating a new application at your end and then test with the latest version.

Best Regards,

Hi Ijaz,

Thanks for all the support so far, it is really appreciated.

I tried the sample application you sent, and it works fine.

Created another app (console app) and it worked.

Created another app (Windows app) and again it does not work. Same base code, same images, just had to remove the call to Console.ReadKey as that gives an error, replaced it with a Thread.Sleep(1000), but the message 0 codes found can be read in the output window in VS.

Having two applications, one that works and another that does not (with the same images and code), shows that this is not just environmental. My guess is that there is probably some error going on under the hood that is not being reported by the component and that causes it to not detect barcodes.

Now my issue is that this sample was created to demonstrate a problem that is occurring within a much more complex system, where the Barcode recognition component is being used in a plugin that is then hosted in a service (non-interactive windows service running under local system account).

So, unless we can determine what the problem is or find a work around, it is unlikely I will be able to get anywhere because this code is a little piece in a much more complex whole.

This is a really bad situation for us, hope you can help. Thanks.

Hi Abel,

We are further investigating it and trying to reproduce it at our end. We will keep you updated.

Best Regards,

Hi Abel,

We are sorry to share with you that we were still unable to reproduce it even after creating multiple Console, WinForms and Web applications at our end. It can only be reproduced with the console application you attached to your first post.

Can you please also attach the WinForms application you were able to reproduce the issue with? This will help us further analyzing the issue.

Best Regards,

Sure, I'm attaching it here. But there is nothing special about it, basically I just hit the create new project, selected WindowsForms, copy/pasted code to the main method from the console app (that works) and removed a call to Console.ReadKey as it generates an exception. That's it.

Using VS2013, Debug Mode, NET 4.5 (Full) But none of the settings were changed from what VS sets as default.


Hi Abel,

We are investigating to find the root cause of the issue and will update you soon.

Best Regards,

Hi Abel,

We were able to reproduce the issue after following the steps mentioned in your last post. The issue has been logged into our issue tracking system as BARCODENET-34317.

Our product team is investigating it further and we will keep you updated on this issue in this thread.

Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-34317) have been fixed in this update.

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