Japanese Attachment Names using Java Aspose Email API

MapiAttachment object is not giving attachments having Japanese names . It’s giving asci weird characters in place of Japanese name of the attachment(s). E.g. AE症例報告_20190903.zip attachment name is coming as AE$BINcJs9p(B_20190903.zip

Below is my snippet:
attachments = mapiMsg.getAttachments();
for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size(); i++)

            attachment = attachments.get_Item(i);
            logger.debug ( "Inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose HERE MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS  ");
            if ( attachment.getMyProperties().containsKey(MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS)  )
            	logger.debug ( "Inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose FOUND MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS  "  );
                //+  attachment.getMyProperties().getPropertyLong( MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS ).getInt32() 
                mapiProp = attachment.getMyProperties().get_Item( MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS) ;
                if ( mapiProp != null )
                	   logger.debug ("Inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose value was: " + mapiProp.getInt32( ) ) ;
                   catch(Exception mapiExp)
                	   logger.error (" mapiexception was: " + mapiExp.getMessage() ) ;
                    	   logger.debug (" after exception  value was: " + mapiProp.toString() ) ;
                       catch(Exception eMappi)
                    	   logger.error (" eMappi was: " + eMappi.getMessage() ) ;
            attachDispName = attachment.getDisplayName() ; 
            logger.debug("inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose attachment @ " + i + " Display-name was-> " + attachDispName );
            logger.debug("inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose attachment @ " + i + " getMimeTag was-> " +  attachment.getMimeTag());
            logger.debug("inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose attachment @ " + i + " FileName- was-> " +  attachment.getFileName());
            logger.debug("inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose attachment @ " + i + " getLongFileName was-> " + attachment.getLongFileName() );
            logger.debug("inside attachmentFileNameWithPathUsingAspose attachment @ " + i + " getExtension was-> " + attachment.getExtension() );



I have observed the issue shared by you and request you to please share the source file reproducing the issue on your end. I also suggest you to please first try using latest Aspose.Email for Java 19.8 as well on your end first.

Can you please share me the location of the Java Aspose Email 19.8 jar ?

I will send the sample email after taking business approval…

Kind Regards,

VS_調査票AE症例入手のご報告_190828.zip (1.5 MB)

Please use this msg file to cross check if this is give correct attachment names using latest version of Java Aspose Email version. It would be great if you let me ASAP.

Kind Regards,


I have worked with the sample file shared and have been able to observe the issue specified. An issue with ID EMAILJAVA-34596 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

Hello ,
Can this be bind to our Bayer paid support and we can get the resolution in up coming next release of Aspose Java Mail ?

Kind Regards,


If you want to avail paid support, you need to add the issue in Paid support helpdesk and giving the reference link to this thread and ticket ID.

Thanks! I will take care on our paid support side and we need the resolution quickly.



Please share if I may help you any further w.r.t free support.