Jasperserver 4.0.0. no TXT output to schedule

I have installed the jar file according to the instructions mentioned here. But I seem not to be able to schedule a TXT report through web services.

Any information on how to do this?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your request. Do you see other export options, i.e. DOC, DOCX, ODT etc? Have you tried restarting your Jasper Server after configuring it?
Best regards,

This is what i have, to be honest i dont exactly know what is now default from jasper and from aspose. I also tried to get the TXT from jasper working so there could be a conflict between jaspers TXT and asposes.

I also added the report section where you can clearly see aspose is integrated.

I have also been editing these files in jasper


Thank you for additional information. Do you get some exception when try to export reports in TXT format? If so, stack trace could be useful. Are you able to export your reports to other formats?
Best regards,