We are Everteam Company and we have already purchased aspose license.
We are facing performance issues when reading barcode from TIFF images.
The API used is “com.aspose.barcoderecognition.BarCodeReader”.
Here’s a sample :
File rep = new File(“D:/home/workspace_LMP/lmp/tmp”);
File[] directoryListing = rep.listFiles();
if(directoryListing != null){
for (File file : directoryListing) {
BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(file.getPath(),Long.valueOf(com.aspose.barcoderecognition.BarCodeReadType.Code39Standard));
System.out.println(“read ok”);
System.out.println("No Barcode found in the file ");
The test was done on 10 images (attached) using aspose-7.1.0 and aspose.17.03 , kindly find the results below.
Can you please confirm to us if the 10 images you have added are unique? We found that the same image has been attached with different names. Also, please try using the latest version of Aspose.Barcode for Java 18.7 and let us know your feedback.
I confirm that the 10 images I have added are the same with different names.
I have tried multiple tests and the test you suggested, Kindly find below the results:
JDK 1.7.0_51:
a. aspose-barcode-7.1.0 : 23 seconds
b. aspose-barcode-17.03 : 17 seconds
c. aspose-barcode-18.6-jdk1.7 : 16 seconds
2. jdk1.8.0_181:
a. aspose-barcode-7.1.0 : 22 seconds
b. aspose-barcode-17.03 : 16 seconds
c. aspose-barcode-18.6-jdk1.7 : 17 seconds
As you can see we are still facing the same performance issues.
Note that we have already purchased the Aspose license.
This issue has been logged as BARCODEJAVA-536 for further investigation at our end. In our best effort, we will try to bring down this time to atleast equivalent to that of the version 17.3. We hope that will satisfy your requirements.
Thank you for your reply and action,
Can you please specify on how many Images was your test based on?
Because we see great difference between your results and ours, keeping in mind that all our tests were done on 10 Images.
The tests were run on a single file but since we were able to reproduce the issue with even a single file, it has been reported. When we fix such issues, internal tests are run on multiple files to evaluate the output against the fix. It will be taken care of while investigating the issue.