Java CAD Loading dwg file exception:Exception: Cannot process loading further due to incorrect file format structure

The dwg file(version is AC1027) can be viewed in CAD software, and when I tried to load the dwg file, the program reported an error.

Program runtime environment:

This line of code throws an exception:
CadImage image = (CadImage) Image.load(dwgFilePath);

error prompt:
Caused by: class com.aspose.cad.internal.Exceptions.Exception: Cannot process loading further due to incorrect file format structure, may be file is corrupted. Invalid optcode ‘7’ value.

I need your help, thank you!

Please, attach the initial DWG file here so we can investigate.

@oleksii.gorokhovatskyi thank you for your help! (7.5 MB)

here is the dwg attachment, and the dwg file version is AC1027.

I can confirm the issue unfortunately. We have created CADJAVA-11659 task to investigate and resolve this. It could be helpful if you can share what software writes this DWG file.