java.lang.NumberFormatException: Format_BadBase64CharArrayLength

I had a problem with converting this xml file to pdf. I can’t upload directly xml file so i put xml text into docx.
Документ Microsoft Word.docx (224,2 КБ)

@PostMapping(value = "/convert-without-base64", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_PDF_VALUE)
    public byte[] convert(@RequestBody byte[] xml) throws Exception {
        return xmlToPdfService.convertDirectly(xml);
public byte[] convertDirectly(byte[] xml) throws Exception {
        ByteArrayInputStream xmlInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml);
        ByteArrayOutputStream pdfOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Document document = new Document(xmlInputStream);, SaveFormat.TEXT);
        return pdfOutputStream.toByteArray();

So, this is my java code for converting. It worked well before this xml

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-27097) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for Java 24.7 update.