通过aspose-word java生成了word,宝行表格,然后指定table的偏移量,设置了table的宽度
for(Row row : table.getRows()) {
for(Cell cell : row.getCells()) {
//Calculate the ratio of each cell to the row width and then translate this ratio to the page width.
double cellRatio = cell.getCellFormat().getWidth() / tableWidth;
cell.getCellFormat().setWidth(cellRatio * pageWidth);
//cell.getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPoints(cellRatio * pageWidth));
File wordFile = new File(wordPath);
测试偏移.docx (31.0 KB)
@yiranzhiyuan 不幸的是,我无法用以下代码重现我这边的问题:
Document doc = new Document("input.docx");
double pageWidth = doc.getFirstSection().getPageSetup().getPageWidth();
NodeCollection tables = doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.TABLE, true);
for (Table table : (Iterable<Table>) tables) {
double tableWidth = table.getPreferredWidth().getValue();
for (Row row : table.getRows()) {
for (Cell cell : row.getCells()) {
//Calculate the ratio of each cell to the row width and then translate this ratio to the page width.
double cellRatio = cell.getCellFormat().getWidth() / tableWidth;
cell.getCellFormat().setWidth(cellRatio * pageWidth);
//cell.getCellFormat().setPreferredWidth(PreferredWidth.fromPoints(cellRatio * pageWidth));
output.docx (22.5 KB)