I have a pdf. It is sized 32.58" x 73.91" (inches).
Trying to export as jpeg, I create a JpegDevice with:
JpegDevice jpegDevice = new JpegDevice(new Resolution(300), 100);
Then run the process command on the page:
jpegDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[x], imageStream);
And no matter what resolution (I assume the intention is dots per inch) I choose (300, 150, 100, etc), the image always comes out with resolution 2443 x 5543 pixels, which is 75 dots per inch. The image pixel size should be (inches X dpi). The resolution parameter of the JpegDevice is not being used to properly size the image. If I choose 300 dpi resolution, the resulting image should be 9774 x 22173.
Please advise. I am using pdf 9.5
Thank you,