Junk character- while converting from word to text document- No support for bullets!

While converting word document (.docx) to text file (.txt). Aspose.words produces some junk value.

Below are the junk characters produced in text file:

v : in place of flower bullet.
ü : in place of tick mark bullet.
Ø : in place of arrow bullet.

I replaced the junk value with a space assuming text document can’t render bullets.
But in case of flower bullet it produces “v” which can’t be replaced by space as it will impact the content.

Attached, sample document for your reference.

Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please
note that Aspose.Words mimics the same behavior as MS Word does.
If you convert your document to Txt file format by using MS Word, you
will get the same output.

Please read supported features of plain text (txt) import/export from here:

I suggest you please use the TxtSaveOptions.SimplifyListLabels property as shown below. The property specifies whether the program should simplify list labels in case of complex label formatting not being adequately represented by plain text.

If set to true, numbered list labels are written in simple numeric format and itemized list labels as simple ASCII characters. The default value is false. Please read about TxtSaveOptions class from here:

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "arrow.docx");
TxtSaveOptions options = new TxtSaveOptions();
options.SimplifyListLabels = true;
doc.Save(MyDir + "Out.txt", options);