Just a bit of constructive suggestion :)

Thank you very much for your kind addition of Appoinment.Version property.

However, you know that in some cases loading the Appoinment will throw exceptions, seems such errors cannot be avoided.
The most often: Source does not contains VEvent component

So it was much better if it was a static method that did return an integer enum:
0 unknown/error
1 vcs
2 ics
to avoid a full Appoinment load.

Just parse a small part of header to read the “VERSION:1.0” / “VERSION:2.0”

In the current state, it will only return “1.0” or “2.0” ? In exceptional cases, will return what? Nothing / empty string etc?

Hello @australian.dev.nerds,

How about using CalendarReader? If there is no component, the NextEvent() method returns false.

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CalendarReader/Writer does not have .ToMailMessage or .Version
So can’t be casted or version detected
Wise to add? :slight_smile:


Thanks for suggestions.