Landscape orientation with HTML to PDF

I am trying to convert an HTML string to PDF. It works fine, but I want it to be landscape orientation. I’ve followed the other posts and it makes the page landscape mode, but does not resize the content.

Here is one version of code I have used thus far:

htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 10;

htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 10;

htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 10;

htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 10;

var pdfDocument = new Document(inputFileStream, htmlLoadOptions);

for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageNumber++)

pdfDocument.Pages[pageNumber].SetPageSize(Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.PageLetter.Height, Aspose.Pdf.PageSize.PageLetter.Width); // A5 size

var pdfSaveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();

pdfDocument.Save(pdfMemoryStream, pdfSaveOptions);

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for contacting support.

In order to accomplish your requirements, you can first transform HTML document to PDF format and then trim white space around PDF pages. For more information, please visit Trim White-space Around a Page

During my testing, I have used one of my sample HTML files and in case you encounter any issue, please share the resource/input file, so that we can test the scenario in our environment.

Thank you for the reply. All I want to do is have my HTML to PDF be in landscape orientation without being cut off and filling the entire width of the page. Isn’t there a way to set the document to landscape orientation BEFORE importing the HTML? Your “Trim White-space Around a Page” is way more than I want to deal with for something that seems so simple. Is it possible that the issue is that you are using the constructor to load the HTML instead of first instantiating the document and then calling a method to Load HTML? Maybe there are technical issues with this approach but I have code from a really old version of ABC Pdf that had no problem adding html to a pdf in landscape mode. I am trying to eliminate ABC Pdf from my application and make it use Aspose only, and this is my last hurdle. Is there a way to load the html after the document has been instantiated with landscape orientation / size? Why does it default to portrait 8.5 x 11? Can I override it temporarily in code before creating the document? Thank you again, Jeremy.

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for sharing the details.

Once the HTML file is loaded, we can set dimensions for resultant PDF but the contents inside PDF file are rendered in Left to Right layout, so you need to adjust left margin information accordingly. Please take a look over following code snippet to fulfill your requirements.

In case you encounter any issue, please share your input HTML file, so that we can test the scenario in our environment.


HtmlLoadOptions htmlLoadOptions = new HtmlLoadOptions();

htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 10;
htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 10;
htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 10;
htmlLoadOptions.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 10;

var pdfDocument = new Document("c:/pdftest/Resume.html", htmlLoadOptions);

Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor ppe = new Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfPageEditor();

for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageNumber++)
    Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle r = pdfDocument.Pages[pageNumber].Rect;
    ppe.Zoom = (float)(r.Width / r.Height);
    ppe.PageSize = new PageSize((float)r.Height, (float)r.Width);


That prevents the content from being cut off, but since you are still loading the HTML before changing the size/orientation, the rendered content in the pdf still only covers the 8.5" width of the original portrait style. I have to be able to set the page size/orientation BEFORE importing the HTML. I’ve attached both the input file html (as .txt) and the output pdf. The whole point of making it landscape is so we have more room for the content. Is there any way to load the html AFTER I change the page size/orientation?

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for sharing the details.

I am afraid currently API does not support the feature to set page orientation as Landscape before performing any conversion. I am afraid we may not be able to set page orientation before loading HTML file contents. However for the sake of correction, I have logged the requirement of setting page orientation as landscape in our issue tracking system as PDFNEWNET-40873 under New Features list. We will further look into the details of this requirement and will keep you posted on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.