Landscape page format


I have a pdf template with the landscape format.
After Save() I got a file with the portrait format and part of data was cut.

Dear Alexey,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

I have tested my template with a landscape format and it seems ok.

Could you send your simple pdf template and the code that can make the problem occur again?

Best regards.


Here is my simple pdf template.

After next code I got a file (see attachment)

Stream inp = new FileStream (@“E:\MyLanscapeTest.pdf”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Stream outp = new FileStream (@“E:\MyLanscapeTest_res.pdf”, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
apf.Form form = new apf.Form(inp, outp);
inp.Close() ;
outp.Close() ;

Dear Alexey,

I have just tested your template and found that it is really the problem as you said.

It just occurs in the evaluation version because of the adding the evaluation logo in the new file. I will resolve the problem quickly.

In the formal version, I added a field to your template, filled it and flattened it. The result is that the problem will not occur because no logo will be added.
Sorry for giving unconivience to you.

Best regards.