Latest Aspose.Total for C++ (24.1.0) does not include the same individual product versions


It seems there is some versioning mismatch and/or packaging issue with the products included in the Aspose.Total for C++. The latest available version for Aspose.Total for C++ is 24.1.0 from the direct download link, yet the Aspose.Words does not include libraries for arm64.

Is it just a packaging issue? If we later decide to purchase a license for Aspose.Total for C++, will we be able to download and use the latest versions of the individual products or will we have to use the versions included in the Aspose.Total package?

Thank you.


You are correct, the Aspose.Total for C++ package is not up-to-date in the Downloads section. We found that the Aspose.Total for C++ v24.1.0 package contains Aspose.Words.Cpp_23.12, but this is expected because at that time, this was the latest available version that was released. The Aspose.Total for C++ is up-to-date in the NuGet repository though. You can either download the latest package from the NuGet repository or download your desired individual (latest) C++ versions from their respective sections, e.g.,
Download C++ DLL to Process Word® Documents | Aspose.Words (Aspose.Words for C++ 24.3 → this includes arm64 libraries)
Download c++ library for Spreadsheet Processing | Aspose.Cells (Aspose.Cells for C++ 24.3)
Download C++ PDF Library Create, Annotate, Edit | Aspose.PDF (Aspose.PDF for C++ 24.3)
Download Outlook® Objects Processing C++ DLL | Aspose.Email (Aspose.Email for C++ 24.3)

Let us know if you still have any issue.


If you purchase Aspose.Total for C++ license, you may download and use that license with the latest versions of the individual products.

OK, thank you for the information.


You are welcome.