Layername not supporting Chinese characters

Hello, I’m making a tool to generate PSD files. When adding layers, I’m planning to name layer displayname with Chinese characters. However, I’m only getting questiong marks replacing characters in the PSD file I got. Am I doing this in a wrong way? Or its not supported yet? Thanks!
I’m doing it this way:
foreach (var item in layers.OrderBy(i => i.Index))
item.Layer.DisplayName = “图层名”;
PSDSample.jpg (7.0 KB)

Could you please provide the input file you are trying to use?

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PSDNET-1492

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Hey Dmitriy, thanks for your quick reply!
I’m using generated image stream as input, thus there’s no input file. Also I guess this doesn’t have much to do with the input file.
I made a sample project to demonstrate what I’m doing. Hope this helps to explain myself. :slight_smile: (3.2 MB)
ResultCompare.jpg (31.5 KB)

@tuesdayh thank you, I added your project and actual/expected image to the task. It’ll help to solve this issue faster.