Hi Aspose team,
We have bought the OEM license for Aspose Email and try to use this in our product but it is not working at all. It is giving error – “Error message was “The License is not for this product.””. I am wondering what has been gone wrong. We are using binaries from following places :–
We have also tried following code :–
And try to put license on master version but it also not worked out. What we want to use aspose for converting MSG file to EML using c++ lib. Can somebody suggest what has been went wrong ?
We are using following code to setup license:–
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::License> license = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Email::License>();
System::String license_path = u"c:/test/Aspose.Email.lic";
std::cout << "License set successfully." << std::endl;
catch (System::Exception& ex)
std::cout << "There was an error setting the license: " << ex->get_Message().ToUtf8String() << std::endl;
Can you please share the license file with us privately. Please click on my name icon in my post and popup will appear. Then select Message option to send license file privately with me. Please do notify us here when you have shared license.
I have send license file in private message. Please check same.
I have added a ticket with ID EMAILCPP-249 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.
I also have this problem and a ticket has been opened 3 weeks ago, but no solution at all.
What can I do?
I have requested our team and will share the feedback with you as soon as it will be shared.
We have shared the specific hotfix Aspose.Email for C++ 20.8.1 for addressing the license related issue. Please try using the mentioned version on your end.
@mudassir.fayyaz What is status of our my issue ? I had tried above hotfix. After that exception was gone but EML file is not getting generated well. It does not have any subject / body / attachment information. It is quiet urgent for us. Can you please escalate the priority of it.
Can you please try using latest Aspose.Email for CPP 20.8.1 on your end as we have fixed the issue in this special hotfix.
@mudassir.fayyaz It is not working as I mentioned above, we had tried it once you had shared for kelberuc. Your link is also pointing to same version. Did I miss something ?
We have addressed this issue in Aspose.Email for CPP 20.8.1 and Its likely that you may not have properly installed the said version. If properly installed this issue should not happen. Can you please ensure that if you are using the proper version.
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